The Personal Website of Mark W. Dawson

Containing His Articles, Observations, Thoughts, Meanderings,
and some would say Wisdom (and some would say not).
The Big Bang Theory – Ten Years After
Being a Big Bang Theory aficionado (both the Science and Television Series), I thought I would create a follow-up plot outline for the TV series (the Universe is the follow-up for the Science). The following is the outline for the plot I would suggest.
Sheldon & Amy, Leonard & Penny, and Howard & Bernadette all own homes next to each other in a cul-de-sac. Stuart & Denise are married and own a home near the others. Raj is still searching for his “perfect mate,” and lives in a luxurious condominium near the others as the result of his inheritance from his deceased father.
Sheldon & Amy have fraternal twins. The boy is intelligent, but not exceptional, and he has an intense interest in geology and basketball. The girl is highly intelligent and exceptional, a beauty, and is a whiz at mathematics. Sheldon & Amy are both tenured professors at their respective Universities.
Leonard & Penny have six children, or as Penny has said that after the first one, the others began to just pop out. The children are of mixed temperament and intelligence, but none are exceptional. Leonard is the head of an experimental particle collider that is under design and development, for which Sheldon is the primary theoretical physicist. Penny has left her job to raise the six children.
Howard & Bernadette have two children, as Howard had a vasectomy after the second child. Both children are as dumb as soup but lovable. The boy is very masculine while the girl is very effeminate in temperament. Howard has become a Chief Engineer at a private company, responsible for the design and development for a commercial AI Android. Bernadette is the head of a large research group at the pharmaceutical company for which she works.
Raj is the head of the Griffith Observatory and Planetarium. A place where he frequently meets women whom he dates. He also has an obsessive interest in the female AI Android that Howard is making.
Stuart & Denise have a son who is a normal boy. They also own a chain of highly successful comic bookstores, for which Denise was primarily responsible for their success. Stuart also frequently gives talks at the Comic Cons in southern California and is friends with many science fiction actors, writers, and directors.
A dedication ceremony, emceed by Sheldon and Leonard, for the opening of the Particle Collider at its Nevada location is being planned. The entire group and their children, including the female AI Android, are planning to attend. They decide to make it a vacation starting at Las Vegas, and then proceed to the particle collider location. A train trip to Las Vegas, followed by a bus trip to the particle collider location results in the typical Big Bang Theory hilarity. Jealousies, narcissism, pettiness, misunderstandings, lost children, and fights between the children all rear their ugly heads but are resolved at the dedication ceremony.