The Personal Website of Mark W. Dawson
Anti-Semitism in Modern America
Good Day my fellow Americans, I am Mark Dawson, an ordinary American, born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who is now a senior citizen in retirement. I was raised a Christian in the Lutheran Faith, and in my early adolescence many thought I may become a minister. However, upon discovering science and sex I lost my faith, became agnostic then an atheist, but a return to sanity in my early adulthood reestablished my faith, but I still love science and sex. Throughout the trails and travails of my life I have consciously tried to live a moral and ethical life, and for the most part I have succeeded. My life's experience, and the wisdom I have gained through this experience, has led me to make judgments about American society. In this article of my collected Chirps on Anti-Semitism I wish to comment on an ugly turn in American society—Anti-Semitism, of which I have a number of points that I wish to make:
08/16/19 Anti-Semitism in the USA
Anti-Semitism, Anti-Christianism, and Anti-Islamism
I have one word for Anti-Semitism, Anti-Christianism, and Anti-Islamism - Despicable!!! Anyone who participates in Anti-Semitism Anti-Christianism and Anti-Islamism deserves neither our attention nor respect. Both overt and covert Anti-Semitism, Anti-Christianism, and Anti-Islamism are to be rejected by all decent, moral and responsible persons. Unfortunately, in today's society, we have seen an increase in Anti-Semitism, Anti-Christianism and Anti-Islamism activities as part of an Anti-Religious inclination of many people. All decent, moral, and respectful people should do whatever is in their power to oppose Anti-Semitism Anti-Christianism, and Anti-Islamism, whether it be overt or covert. It is evil and should be removed from your hearts and minds. All evil should be removed from your hearts and minds, but Anti-Semitism, Anti-Christianism, and Anti-Islamism are especially important to be removed. As Martin Luther King Jr. said:
"I hope for a future in which all people are judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin."
All people deserve to be judged by the content of their character and by no other factors. No religion, creed, race, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, veteran status, disability, military service, political affiliation, or the character of their family members should be utilized in judging an individual. It should also be remembered that the sins of the father are not vested upon the son, and no one should be the judge but upon their own actions and words. Let us strive for a future when all individuals are judged upon their own merits and character. To do so would result in a more peaceful and just society.
Anti-Semitism in the USA
Unfortunately, while Anti-Christianism and Anti-Islamism are increasing in America Anti-Semitism is on a big uprise in America. And this Anti-Semitism takes many insidious and devious forms. While some of this Anti-Semitism is direct acts or verbal or written statements (although stated/written somewhat obliquely) it is not difficult to recognize the Anti-Semitism of the perpetrator. Other verbal or written statements that are Anti-Semitic are not so easily recognized. They are often couched in term of caring for people, or human rights, or foreign policy goals. While they often sound noble their bedrock is Anti-Semitism. Today, it is couched in terms of changing the internal and foreign policies of Israel. Whether it be Israeli settlement policies, foreign aid, territorial borders, or the rise of the Anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanctions) movement, it is Anti-Semitism. For there is no difference between hatred of Israel and hatred for Jews.
The fact is that this Anti-Semitism is a growing problem on the left. Whether it be worldwide or in American, modern Anti-Semitism it is mainly a leftist problem. There are, of course, Anti-Semitic sentiments on the far right but these are outliers on the right and are given no heed by the mainstream right (see my Chirp "Both Sides Do It"). However, the Anti-Semitism on the left is becoming more mainstream. Whether it be politicians, commentators, activists, and even journalists it is more acceptable to express Anti-Semitic sentiments. Those that practice Anti-Semitism must be rebuked and should not have a position of power or authority in society so that they cannot sow their Anti-Semitism.
Anti-Semitism must be confronted
and condemned whenever it rears its ugly head.
For history has shown that whenever it is not confronted and
it festers and grows to become a cancer that will eventually
destroy society.
11/05/23 The Pro-Islamic Gamesmanship - Part I
There has been a tendency in modern America to equate Anti-Semitism with Anti-Islamism and to label Islam as a religion of peace. But this equation is improper and immoral. Anti-Semitism is based upon falsehoods about the Jewish religion, people, history, and their traditions and customs. Anti-Islamism, however, is based on truths about the practices of Islam, as I have written in my Article “The Problems with Islam”. Some of these truths are:
- A religion in which the majority believes that criticism of the Prophet Muhammed is punishable by death.
- A religion in which the majority believes that apostates should be put to death.
- A religion in which the majority believes that non-believers should be eradicated or subjugated.
- A religion of which the majority believes that non-heterosexuals should be executed.
- A religion in which the majority believes that education should be restricted to males.
- A religion in which the majority believes that women should be subservient to and dominated by males.
- A religion in which the majority believes that female genital mutilation and honor killings are acceptable.
- A religion in which the majority believes that the rule of law is subservient to religious doctrine and tenets and that fatwas supersede the due process of law.
- A religion in which the majority believes in a theocracy with no participation by individuals.
- A religion in which the majority believes that lying about their beliefs to non-believers is acceptable if done to advance Islamism.
While this list of the practices of Islamism is hardly inclusive, it demonstrates that Islam is a far cry from a religion of peace as well as a violator of the Natural Rights of people. While I recognize that many Muslims are attempting to reform these practices, while these practices remain, it is not possible to include Islam as a religion of peace. As a great philosopher of Jewish origins has said:
"Peace is not an absence of war, it
is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence,
confidence, justice."
- Baruch Spinoza
As a majority of Islamic believers do not have a disposition for benevolence, confidence, or justice, it is immoral to equate Anti-Semitism with Anti-Islamism and, indeed, to have an Anti-Islamism bias is a moral stance. It is especially not moral to excuse or accept the violence of much of the Islamic world, and until Islam becomes understanding and tolerant of others and discards its Anti-Semitism, they should not be allowed to join the ranks of the civilized world, as they are a danger to civilization and non-Islamic peoples.
11/06/23 The Pro-Islamic Gamesmanship - Part II
With the Islamic terrorist attacks in Israel, we have seen a rise in Anti-Semitism and Anti-Islamism in much of the world, particularly in America. This rise has also seen an increase in violence against persons and organizations of the Jewish and Islamic faiths. Such violence is never acceptable, as it never resolves the problem and often begets more violence. But as I have pointed out in my Chirp on “11/05/23 The Pro-Islamic Game - Part I”, Anti-Semitism is immoral, while Anti-Islamism is moral if it is based on critiques of Islam tenants or criticisms of immoral words and deeds of Islamists.
Alas, another game has arisen in America, where many Progressives/Leftists and Democrat Party Leaders offer perfunctory criticisms and little actions against Anti-Semitism, while at the same time, they are offering vigorous words and enacting deeds against those that engage in Anti-Islamism actions. In doing so, they are demonstrating a lack of morality. A lack of morality by equating Anti-Semitism and Anti-Islamism, and a lack of morality by not vigorously condemning Anti-Semitism while at the same time they are defending immoral Islamic actions by such an equation.
Their silence in condemning the support in America of Hamas terrorism in Israel, under the guise of pro-Palestinian sentiments, is deafening. It is only understandable by political gamesmanship in not alienating a voting block within the Democrat Party. As such, they are once again demonstrating they are more concerned with votes rather than doing the right thing.
The cowardness of College and University administrators in condemning the words and deeds of their professors and students in support of Hamas is astounding and very troubling. It is troubling as Colleges and Universities are not only responsible for providing an education, but they are also responsible for molding the character and virtue of their students. In not doing so, they are creating a generation of ill-educated students who cannot discern right from wrong. A generation that will enter and lead our society without a moral code to guide them in their decision-making.
Thus, in America, we have one party, the Democrat Party, that has little concern for morality or virtue and that is driven by a lust for votes and, therefore, power. Such a party is not fit to lead a people dedicated to "Freedoms, Liberties, Equalities, and Equal Justice for All". If we continue down this road, we will lose our "American Ideals and Ideas", and descend into the chaos of mobocracy and lose the last best hope for humankind.
03/28/24 Modern Anti-Semitism
In a book by Alan Dershowitz, “War on Woke: Why the New McCarthyism Is More Dangerous Than the Old”, he devotes an entire chapter to modern Anti-Semitism in America and the world and equates it to McCarthyism. This is an excellent chapter that explains why Israel and the Jewish people are not responsible for the turmoil in the Mideast and how Hamas and its supporters, as well as Anti-Semitic persons throughout America and the world, have inappropriately twisted the facts to support their Anti-Israel, Anti-Semitism, and Anti-Zionism viewpoints. Much of the support for the recent Hamas terrorist’s actions comes from a twisted sense of morality, as I have Chipped on, “01/09/24 Virtual Signaling without Virtue”, “11/20/23 Humanitarianism and Terrorism”, “10/19/23 Moral Equivalence”, and “10/18/23 Unadulterated Evil”. For those who wish a clear-headed explanation of wrongdoing and responsibility for the current events in Israel and the Palestine people, this is a must-read chapter.
The fact is that this Anti-Semitism is a growing problem in Progressives/Leftists and Democrat Party Leaders circles. Whether it be worldwide or in America, modern Anti-Semitism is mainly a left-of-center problem. There are, of course, Anti-Semitic sentiments on the far right, but these are outliers on the right and are given no heed by the mainstream right (see my Chirp on “04/01/19 Both Sides Do It”). However, the Anti-Semitism on the left is becoming more mainstream. Whether it be politicians, commentators, activists, College and University students and professors, and even journalists, it is more acceptable to express Anti-Semitic sentiments. Those who practice Anti-Semitism must be rebuked and should not have a position of power or authority in society so that they cannot sow their Anti-Semitism.
Anti-Semitism must be confronted
and condemned whenever it rears its ugly head.
For history has shown that whenever it is not confronted
and eliminated,
it festers and grows to become a cancer that will
eventually destroy society.
The problem that I have is that Alan still believes in a two-state solution where an Israel and Palestine state live in peace and harmony with each other. However, a two-state solution is not possible when one state believes in and desires the destruction of the other state. A two-state solution can only be considered after the total destruction of the Hamas terrorists and their supporters has been accomplished. But it also requires a change of heart in the minds of the Palestine people that Israel has the right to peacefully co-exist alongside the other states in the Mideast. Given the blindness and furor of the Palestine people against Israel and the Jewish people, I doubt that this will happen anytime soon.
I would also remind Alan that the vast majority of Anti-Semitism McCarthyism is originating from Progressives/Leftists and some Democrat Party Leaders. This is a problem that he has to confront from his being a part of that Political Spectrum, and as I have discussed in my Chirp on “03/27/24 An Open Letter to Alan Dershowitz”.
05/10/24 Parallelism in America
A century ago, in a place almost halfway around the world, a great country was in despair. This great country, renowned for its Philosophers and Theologians, composers and musicians, authors and poets, artists and artisans, architecture and craftsmen, scientists and engineers, had succumbed to despair because of its loss of greatness and the economic devastations of World War I. In their despair, they searched for reasons as to their plight. Instead of looking at their own actions as the reasons for their dilemma, they began an outward/inward search for scapegoats. Outward in blaming other countries for their problems, and then inward in blaming groups of their fellow citizens for their problems. In this outward/inward search for scapegoats, they turned to evilness.
They began to listen to the demagogues amongst themselves in that:
"First, they came for the
Communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out
because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak
out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I
was not a Jew.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out
for me."
- Martin Niemöller
Within a few short years, the demagogues obtained control of the government, and they began their pogroms against their opponents, which ended up with World War II, millions of deaths, and calamitous ruination for all but America. It started with governmental control of society and the economy and ended with genocide and slavery for those who opposed them:
“It didn't start with concentration
camps, slave labor, and gas chambers.
It started with one party controlling the media.
It started with one party controlling the message.
It started with one party deciding what is the truth.
It started with one party censoring speech and silencing the
It started with one party dividing citizens into 'Us' and
It started with one party calling on their supporters to
harass 'Them'.
It started when good people turned a blind eye and let it
It ended with concentration camps, slave labor, and gas
- paraphrased from the Holocaust Museum
All of this is evil and an evil that may be festering in today’s America. The rise of Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism in America, as I have written in my Chirps on “05/06/24 Whence Anti-Americanism” and “03/28/24 Modern Anti-Semitism”, along with "Hyper-Partisanship", "Identity Politics", "Political Correctness", "Wokeness", "Doxing", and now "Lawfare" in America, are but symptoms of the rise of evil in America. These symptoms have given rise to a feeling of despair as to our perceived loss of greatness and the economic doldrums we are currently enduring. Symptoms that are being aggravated by the words and deeds of Democrat Party Leaders, Progressives/Leftists, and their supporters as a means to obtain and retain power to advance their political goals and policy agendas. We must fight this despair and reclaim our American Ideals and Ideas to ensure our Freedoms, Liberties, Equalities, and Equal Justice for All so that we do not become an evil country like the other once great country became.
05/11/24 The Chosen of God
The Jewish people are the chosen of God, chosen to show what faithfulness to God’s will means and the evils of the faithless against God’s will. Given the turbulent trials and tribulations of the Jewish people throughout history, they have provided this showing. Yet throughout these trials and tribulations and throughout history, the Jewish people have persevered. No historical people have persevered for as long as the Jewish people, which leads me to believe in God and that God chooses wisely.
Today, they are again showing the evilness of those who are faithless in God’s will. The terrorism of Hamas and Hezbollah against the Jewish people demonstrates the evilness of the faithless against God’s will. The elimination of Hamas and Hezbollah from the Mideast may be another reminder by God as to the terrible consequences of evil against God’s will.
Just as God demanded that the ancient Jews eliminate the Hittites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites (Deuteronomy 20:16-18), he may be directing the elimination of Hamas and Hezbollah. Those who oppose the elimination of Hamas and Hezbollah may, therefore, be supporting the evils of the faithless against God’s will. Consequently, woe be to those who support Hamas and Hezbollah, as they may be supporting the evils of the faithless against God’s will, and God will judge of their words and deeds when they meet their maker.
To those Jewish people who have suffered the terrible consequences of Hamas and Hezbollah terrorism, I would say that your sacrifice has not been in vain, as you serve as a reminder of God’s will, and your sacrifice will be rewarded by God in the afterlife. I would also say long live the Jewish people as a reminder of what faithfulness to God’s will means and the evils of the faithless against God’s will.
05/12/24 Evil Disguised by Moral Equivalence
In the Ten Commandments of the Bible, Exodus 20:7 and Deuteronomy 5:11 states:
“Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.”
“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”, or "You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God" (NRSV) and its variants, is an admonishment to not do evil or justify evil in the name of God. It is considered a grievous sin and will not be tolerated by God. Those who aid or abet the evildoers are just as guilty of evildoing as the evildoers. Therefore, those who justify evil acts with moral equivalence are evildoers, as they are aiding and abetting the evildoers.
There is no doubt that the acts of Hamas and Hezbollah are evil, and those who justify these acts with moral equivalence are aiding and abetting the evildoers. Hence, the Palestine protesters across the world are as evil as the evildoers. It is also an unfortunate fact that the Biden Administration's tepid support for Israel, and sometimes hindrance of Israeli responses to evil, is aiding and abetting the evildoers. Thus, the Biden Administration has become evil.
While many would complain that this judgment of the Biden Administration is too harsh, this Commandment is harsh and unyielding and not subject to disputations by mere mortals. As the prophet Nathan called out the sins of David And Bathsheba, so must we call out the sins of the Biden Administration.
I am not a prophet of God, nor do I claim any special wisdom about God. But I can recognize evil when it rears its ugly head. I also recognize that to live a Godly life, you must confront and extinguish evil; otherwise, evil may triumph.
05/13/24 The Rise of Evil in America
As I have written in my Chirp on “05/16/24 Parallelism in America”, in today’s America, we are seeing a rise in evil. This rise has been illuminated by the current protests against Israel and for the Palestinian people. Make no mistake that these pro-Palestinian protests are nothing but a disguise for Anti-Semitism, as I have also Chirped on, "03/28/24 Modern Anti-Semitism".
The phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is nothing but a phrase for the elimination of Israel, for Israel is totally between the river and the sea. As I have written in my Chirp on "01/09/24 Virtual Signaling without Virtue", these protests are simply virtue signaling with little knowledge or comprehension as to what they are protesting. They certainly do not realize that they are engaged in evildoing.
This Anti-Semitism must be forthrightly confronted and condemned by all who oppose evil. There is no moral equivalency when confronting evil, and there is no temporizing with evil. It is time for all clergy to point out this evil of Anti-Semitism, condemn it, and urge their congregations to condemn Anti-Semitism whenever and wherever it arises. All politicians and community leaders should also join in this pointing out and condemning Anti-Semitism, and all Americans who believe in our American Ideals and Ideas and our Freedoms, Liberties, Equalities, and Equal Justice for All must condemn this Anti-Semitism.
For those who claim the situation in the Hamas-Israel conflict is complex, I am reminded of the thoughts of the famed Rabbi Jonathan Saks:
“The Israeli-Hamas conflict is not
It's very simple: One side wants the other side dead.”
- Rabbi Saks
When one side wants the other side dead, it is not virtuous to support the side that wants the other side dead, and it is evil to aid and abet the other side who wants them dead. We all should also remember that:
Anti-Semitism must be confronted
and condemned whenever it rears its ugly head.
For history has shown that whenever it is not confronted and
it festers and grows to become a cancer that will eventually
destroy society.
05/14/24 Ten Most Uncommon Untruths and Blood Libel
Victor Davis Hanson has written a new article, “Try a Little Honesty About Israel”, which examines ten of the most common untruths being bandied about by the Pro-Palestinian protestors. They are:
- Progressive Hamas
- Colonists and settlers
- Two-state solution
- Occupied Gaza
- Netanyahu is the problem
- Targeting civilians
- Protestors are Pro-Palestine
- Anti-Israel is not Anti-Semitic
- Genocide
- Disproportionate response
These lies, and his unmasking of them, expose the truth to the lies of the protesters. Thus, this article is an important read for those dedicated to the truth.
In an article by Dennis Prager, “The Genocide Libel Is the Blood Libel of Our Time”, he wrote:
“In medieval Europe, Christians who hated Jews spread the lie that Jews kidnap Christian children, slaughter them, and use their blood to bake matzos for Passover. This lie became known as “the Blood Libel,” probably the greatest libel in history. Over the course of many centuries, Jews were tortured and murdered, often by being burned alive, because of the Blood Libel.
The Blood Libel was particularly odious in light of two facts: It was the Jews who, through their Bible, first outlawed human sacrifice; and one of the first laws in the Hebrew Bible is a ban on consuming blood.
For centuries, Jews had to confront the fact that all around them, throughout Europe, a vast number of people believed an enormous lie about them. Jews have to confront the same thing today. We are now living through the Second Blood Libel: the claim that the Jewish state is committing genocide. But, unlike the Blood Libel, this libel is not the product of Christians; it is the product of Muslims and the Left. The very people against whom the greatest genocide in recorded history — the Holocaust — was directed are now accused of that crime.”
He then goes on to explain that the current cries of “genocide” by Israel against the Palestinians are the modern-day equivalent of medieval Europe’s “Blood Libel”. The purported number of Palestinians killed in the retaliatory strikes against Hamas for their October 7, 2023, terrorism against Israel was widely overinflated, and the corrections to these numbers have been underreported. Thus, as Mr. Prager ends his article:
“Even if the media give these new numbers the attention it has given the alleged “genocide,” it will not end a single anti-Israel demonstration or cause one Israel-hater to cease accusing Israel of genocide. Since the accusation was never based on truth, truth will not end it.
The only genocide in the Israel-Palestinian war is the one Hamas and Iran seek to perpetrate against the Jews of Israel.”
Untruths and Blood Libels against Israel are despicable and evil, and they need to be vigorously denounced by all who revere decency and honesty. Any prevarication or moral equivalence in condemning these Untruths and Blood Libels is tacit support of evil, and you must confront the evildoers and evil sayers to extinguish evil; otherwise, evil may triumph.
06/19/24 A Brief History of Palestinian Evil
In a new column by Dennis Prager, “Germans -- Even During the Hitler Era -- Were a Better People Than the Palestinians”, he recounts the history of the Palestinians since the 1940s. It is a history of violent anti-Semitism and violence to their Arab neighbors with whom they disagree. A history in which their Arab neighbors wish to have no interactions with them and actively bar them from entering their lands. It is also a history that they are now bringing to American soil.
Given this history, it is important for America to not support, in any manner, Palestinians until they reform themselves to become a peaceful people. This includes humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, as humanitarian aid to them allows them to continue in their unacceptable violent actions and activities. It is also important to restrict their access to American soil to only those who are peaceful and to deport those who are not peaceful. Americans need not allow for the immigration of violent people of all stripes and, indeed, should not do so. There should also be censured of all those who support the Palestinians and a firm affirmation that such support is abhorrent.
Mr. Prager ends his article by stating:
“To be "pro-Palestinian" today means being pro-Hamas just as to be "pro-German" during World War II was the same as being pro-Nazi. The only difference is that the Germans as a whole were a better people than the Palestinians. If you support the Palestinians, you should know whom you support.”
Consequently, from the river to the sea is the only place that Palestinians should be permitted to inhabit until they reform themselves into a peaceful people, and they should be constricted in their activities and actions to peaceful protests between the river to the sea. To support any other course of action is equivalent to supporting Nazis, which makes you one with evil.
07/27/24 Anti-Semitic Actions and Inactions
In an article by David Harsanyi, “American Liberals Silent as Outbursts of Antisemitism on Par With Charlottesville Proliferate”, he writes that President Biden is scared to offend the pro-Hamas faction in his party. Mr. Harsanyi begins his article by stating:
“Not long ago, a left-wing “fact-checking” site, Snopes, finally admitted that President Trump had never called the neo-Nazis who marched at the Unite the Right rally at Charlottesville in 2017 “very fine people.”
For years, Democrats, including President Biden, have repeated this false claim. Indeed, Mr. Biden, who’s been running for the presidency since 1987, ludicrously told the press in 2019 that the events at Charlottesville, and Trump’s alleged reaction, inspired him to run in 2020.
Well, there’s a new Charlottesville every week in America nowadays. They aren’t led by a few hundred Nazi cosplayers, but thousands of Islamists and leftist fellow travelers whose goals are supported by numerous administration officials, congressmen, and newsrooms.”
He then goes on to list many of the offensive words and deeds, the criminal actions of the pro-Hamas agitators in America, and how the Biden Administration has reacted or not reacted to those offenses and criminal actions. The lack of the Biden Administration actions and inactions against the pro-Hamas agitators, and their very tepid statements about them, is war worse than the allegation that Trump called Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People', as the Snopes article explains, is untrue.
These very actions and inactions of the Biden Administration and the pro-Hamas administration officials, congressmen, and newsrooms demonstrate the Anti-Semitism of the left. Mr. Harsanyi concludes his article by stating:
“And every time there is a new Charlottesville, it not only affirms why Israel needs to exist — or that “anti-Zionism” and antisemitism are now indistinguishable — it tells us that Jews can’t rely on the contemporary left to be on their side.”
Thus, if you are Jewish or concerned about the evil of Anti-Semitism in modern America, as I have written in my collected Chirps on "Anti-Semitism in Modern America", then you must be opposed to the Biden Administration and the administration officials, congressmen, and newsrooms who support the pro-Hamas agitators in America.
07/28/24 The Eradication of Evil
President Reagan once famously said about how he would deal with the Soviet Union, “We Win; They Lose”, for which he was mocked. However, by focusing on the goal and adopting and adapting tactics to achieve the goal, America won, and the Soviet Union lost. Such is the position of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding Hamas. It is the focus on the ultimate goal that distinguishes Reagan and Netanyahu, a focus on the goals while instituting and changing tactics as necessary to achieve the ultimate goal.
Many evil acts were done during the American Civil War, but such evil acts were necessary to eradicate the greater evil of slavery. The carpet-bombing of Japan and Europe during World War II could be considered evil, but it was done for the purpose of eradicating the greater evil of Imperial Japan, Nazis, and Fascists. Evils that needed to be eradicated for human suffering to end and human dignity to be restored.
Regarding Israel, there have been many attempts to institute peace among the parties to the conflict. However, the events of October 07, 2023, have demonstrated that one party is not interested in peace—Hamas. Consequently, peace will only come when Hamas loses and is eradicated. How Hamas loses and is eradicated is not as important as their losing and being eradicated, for when confronting evil, the end of evil is more important than the tactics used to defeat evil. Nothing short of the eradication of evil is important, for if evil is allowed to fester, it will grow and rear its ugly head in the future. And make no mistake about it: Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran are evil. Thus, I would say to Netanyahu, go for it and eradicate evil! I would also say to the critics of Netanyahu’s goal and tactics that to not eradicate evil is to support evil, which makes you one with evil.