The Personal Website of Mark W. Dawson
The Weaponization of Government
The Weaponization of Government against its populace in the 21st century is not only an American phenomenon but can be seen worldwide in many, if not most, democratic societies. This collection of Chirps examines this phenomenon in America.
12/03/21 The Real Terrorists in America
We are all worried that international terrorists will strike America and cause much damage, death, and injuries. We are also worried about domestic terrorists harming America. Fortunately, our Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies have done a pretty good job in preventing these attacks. But these terroristic activities worries have been triggered by physical attacks upon America. There is, however, a more insidious and dangerous attack upon America. These attacks are upon our American Ideals and Ideas and the persons who hold to these Ideals and Ideas. These attacks are mental attacks upon these Americans and are meant to intimidate, silence, and punish those Americans who cherish our American Ideals and Ideas.
When you are publicly shamed and harassed or threatened with bodily or property harm and the potential loss of your business or employment when you express your First Amendment rights in support of our American Ideals and Ideas, you are being terrorized. And this terrorism is an assault on our Natural and Constitutional rights, and it is a threat to our "Freedoms, Liberties, Equalities, and Equal Justice for All".
These terrorist activities range from verbal assaults to mob violence from "Progressives/Leftists" and "Democrat Party Leaders", to the "Mainstream Media" and the "Mainstream Cultural Media" false and inaccurate depictions of America and Americans, to "Modern Education" Indoctrination versus Education, to "Modern Big Business" hiring, promotion, and firing policies, and now to governmental actions against those persons who express contrary words and deeds to Political Correctness, Activists and Activism, Adjective Justice, Virtue Signaling, Cancel Culture, Doxing, Wokeness, Identity Politics, Equity and Equality, the Greater Good versus the Common Good, the "Social Engineering", and "Herd Mentality".
Most insidious is the politicization and weaponization of government law enforcement and our justice system. When the government surveils its citizens who express disagreement with current government policies, when a government institutes prosecutions against dissidents on trumped-up or insignificant charges, when the justice system bends to mob demands and violence, when the government issues mandates contrary to the Natural Rights of a person, and when bureaucrats harass businesses, employees, and persons, and when all of this incurs significant financial expenditures to fight the charges and the reputational harm to those people so inflicted, they are terrorizing its citizens.
Equally insidious is the current politicization of our military forces. Our Founding Fathers were very aware that a standing army that is politized often turns into a repressive force against its citizens, subject to the will of entrenched authorities and bureaucrats whose primary concern is their own power and prestige, rather than the defense of our nation and of the preservation of our Liberties and Freedoms.
When non-governmental entities such as political or social commentators, Progressives/Leftists, or Activists/Activism engage in verbal assaults or actions to harm persons or groups of persons with whom they disagree, or engage in mob actions of violence, they are also attempting to terrorize persons into submission to their viewpoints. They are also utilizing the strategy and tactics of Noble Lies, Big Lies, and Repeated Lies, as I Chirped on “11/24/21 Noble Lies, Big Lies, and Repeated Lies”. In all of this, they are going beyond the bounds of "A Civil Society" by pitting groups of Americans against each other and sowing the seeds of distrust, fear, and hatred between groups. They are also demonstrating their belief that they are more intelligent, better educated, and morally superior; they are, of course, always correct, and therefore the other side must be iniquitous.
All of these actions are meant to intimidate, silence, and punish Americans who would disagree with current government policies, political or social commentator viewpoints, Activists/Activism agendas, or Progressives/Leftists positions. And all these actions are a form of terrorism by the government, political or social commentators, Activists/Activism, or Progressives/Leftists. Therefore, the real terrorists in America are now the Progressives/Leftists, the Democrat Party leaders who support them, political or social commentators, Activists/Activism, the Mainstream Media, the Mainstream Cultural Media, and Modern Big Business, for they are terrorizing us for exercising our Natural and Constitutional rights.
08/06/22 The Weaponization of Government
A Two-Tiered system of justice in the Justice Department and the FBI now appears to be firmly entrenched in the Biden Administration, as I have Chirp on "07/31/21 A Two-Tiered Justice and Governmental System" and "06/22/22 Injustice Department and the Federal Bureau of Iniquity". In addition, we have seen the corruption of the Intelligence agencies to support political policies and agendas and the degradation of the military to achieve social justice goals rather than to win conflicts. All of these actions represent the weaponization of government to support political goals rather than the performance of their duties and responsibilities.
In these actions, they appear to have the support of Democrat Party Leaders and Progressives/Leftists, as it advances their political agendas. As such, the Democrat Party is supporting the weaponization of government and lawlessness, as I have Chirp on "05/19/22 The Lawless Party".
Attorney General Merrick B. Garland leads the Justice Department, which includes the FBI, and he is responsible for assuring that all laws are applied equally and that the Constitutional and Civil Rights of the American people are protected. As such, he must resist any political pressures from any source in the performance of his duties.
The selective investigations and prosecutions against political opponents and the non-investigations and lack of prosecutions of political supporters have become notorious. Their threatening words, and the ignominious deeds of investigations, have been for the purposes of intimidating their political opponents. There appears to be little concern for the Constitutional and Civil Rights of their opponents and the equality of justice for all.
Attorney General Garland’s refusal to appoint a Special Prosecutor in the investigation of Hunter Biden, which is fully justified under the law regarding special prosecutors, is an assault on the integrity of the Justice Department and a dereliction of his duties and responsibilities to assure "Freedoms, Liberties, Equalities, and Equal Justice for All". It is indicative of his complicity, or acquiescence to pressure, for the purposes of protecting the President of the United States from political harm, which is not a sufficient reason for his inactions in this matter. The American people need to know the involvement of Joe Biden in his son's business dealings, as I have Chirp on "07/24/22 What Did He Know and When Did He Know It?".
It is also against his Oath of Office to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same:”. You cannot keep this oath if you are not applying equal justice without prejudice and not protecting the Constitutional and Civil Rights of the American people. For this reason, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland is engaging in an insurrection against the Constitution, and he must be forthwith removed from office for this reason.
We should also investigate the actions of the Executive Officers of the intelligence agencies to determine if they are violating their Oath of Office and endangering the American people by their actions. At the same time, the Military leadership needs to be investigated to see if they are in dereliction of their duties to defend the American people from foreign enemies.
If we do not correct this situation, then we cannot have “A Just Government and a Just Society” and "Justice and The Rule of Law in America", and we will become a nation ruled by men rather than the rule of law.
08/07/22 A Real Insurrection
FBI Director Christopher Wray recently testified before a Congressional Oversight Committee on a variety of topics. Congressional oversight, from Wikipedia, is:
“Congressional oversight is oversight by the United States Congress over the Executive Branch, including the numerous U.S. federal agencies. Congressional oversight includes the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation. Congress exercises this power largely through its congressional committee system. Oversight also occurs in a wide variety of congressional activities and contexts. These include authorization, appropriations, investigative, and legislative hearings by standing committees; which is specialized investigations by select committees; and reviews and studies by congressional support agencies and staff.
Congress’s oversight authority derives from its “implied” powers in the Constitution, public laws, and House and Senate rules. It is an integral part of the American system of checks and balances.”
In his testimony, he refused to answer several questions, with the reasoning being that he could not discuss current investigations or comment on personnel decisions. It is important that testimony in front of the Congressional Oversight Committee be restricted to a closed session when discussing matters of national security. But it is equally important that Congress and the American people hear open testimony on non-national security issues. As far as current Judicial or FBI investigations are concerned, there may be legitimate reasons why the testimony should be in a closed session, but it is the Congressional Oversight Committees' duty and responsibility to close a session in these cases. It cannot be the Executive Officer's decision whether to testify or not testify, as too often Executive Officers refuse to answer questions, not because of legitimate reasons but to cover up malfeasance. Such malfeasance needs to be exposed before Congress and the American public to preserve our Liberties and Freedoms. In America, we have a government “of the people, by the people, for the people”, and the people need to know if malfeasance is occurring within government, especially in the Executive Branch judicial process, as this directly impacts their Constitutional and Civil Rights. Without open oversight, Executive Officers may feel free to trample on these rights to achieve their goals, as I have discussed in my Chirp on “08/06/22 The Weaponization of Government”.
His refusal to answer these questions appears to have the support of Democrat Party Leaders and Progressives/Leftists, as it serves their political purposes. As such, the Democrat Party is not supporting proper Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch to root out malfeasance to preserve the Liberties and Freedoms of Americans, which is a dereliction of their Constitutional duties and responsibilities.
In refusing to answer these questions, he is also violating his Oath of Office to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same:” as you cannot keep this oath if you are stymieing Congressional Oversight. For this reason, FBI Director Christopher Wray is engaging in an insurrection against the Constitution, and he must be forthwith removed from office for this reason.
08/09/22 The Ultimate Weaponization of Government
Two days after I posted my Chirp on “08/06/22 The Weaponization of Government”, the Justice Department, led by the FBI, raided the Mar-a-Lago home of former President Donald Trump. This raid is unprecedented in American history and yet another example of the Biden Administration's weaponization of government for the purposes of the politicization of justice. The flimsy reported pretext for the search warrant (not as yet confirmed) is just a cover for their persecution and prosecution of political opponents, and the manner in which they conducted this raid appears contrary to the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.
One of the lessons I have learned in my life experiences is that when I become angry, it is best to bite my tongue and say nothing until my anger subsides (as explained in my Pearls of Wisdom –"Think Before You Respond" and "Think Before You Act"). This raid has not only angered me but has made me livid, and as such, I will not say anything more about this raid until my anger subsides. When I have more information and my anger subsides, I will write a rational and reasonable criticism and critique (as explained in my Pearls of Wisdom - "Know the Difference between Criticism and Critique") of these actions by the Justice Department and the FBI.
Until then, I can only say that this raid appears to be contrary to our "Freedoms, Liberties, Equalities, and Equal Justice for All", and a degradation to "A Civil Society", and is only worthy of a Banana Republic.
08/12/21 Das ist das Ende, das Ende
Near the end of the movie ‘Patton’, as the Germans are destroying papers in anticipation of defeat, the words ‘Das ist das Ende, das Ende’ (This is the End, the End) are heard when the German general tells another officer that the War is over.
With the raid of the Mar-a-Lago home of former President Donald Trump by the Justice Department, led by the FBI, Das ist das Ende, das Ende has come upon America. It will either be the end of our Constitutional Republic or the end of Progressives/Leftists and Democrat Party Leaders, as we must choose one or the other as they can no longer coexist. If these actions by the Justice Department and the FBI are allowed to stand, then we will allow the further weaponization of government, as I have Chirped on “08/06/22 The Weaponization of Government”. No person will be safe from government persecution and prosecution that dares to contradict the Democrat Party Leaders and Progressives/Leftists policies. Bureaucrats will determine, through unspoken or indirect threats of persecution or prosecution, who shall speak and what they are allowed to say and who shall be allowed to hold the reins of power in America.
The cast of characters in this abomination of our Liberties and Freedoms has been one of those who have exhibited animosity toward President Trump. From the former Director of the National Archives to FBI Director Wray, Attorney General Garland, President Biden, and all the other responsible persons in between, they have all exhibited an anti-Trump abhorrence that has guided their actions. Even the judge that signed off on the search warrant is a known anti-Trumper who should have recused himself from involvement in these actions. Abhorrence to a politician should not translate into judicial actions but should be limited to the political arena, and only the criminal actions of a politician should be investigated and prosecuted. No legal "Torturous and Convoluted Reasoning" should be utilized to pursue criminal prosecution of a politician, for to do so is the weaponization of the judicial system for the purposes of the politicization of justice. Such actions are only worthy of a banana republic and not of a nation dedicated to Liberty and Freedom.
This raid is unprecedented in American history and yet another example of the Biden Administration's weaponization of government for the purposes of the politicization of justice. The reported pretext for the search warrant is just a cover for their persecution and prosecution of political opponents. The flimsy pretext of official and classified documents not being turned over to the National Archives is belied by previous subpoenas that were being complied with by President Trump and his staff, with disputes being negotiated by all the parties involved. Such disputes between former Presidents and the National Archives have been common in the past, especially with former President Obama retaining over 30,000 pages of documents that he has promised to digitize and then turn over to the National Archives but has not yet done so.
In addition, as a matter of law, no President can be charged under the Espionage Act for “mishandling” classified information or records. A Supreme Court decision in 1987 made it clear that the President has inherent constitutional power, as Commander-In-Chief, to classify and declassify anything they want at will, and no law, statute, or regulation may usurp this constitutional power. They can do it through their words and deeds - and they don’t need to label it, they don’t need to report it, and they don’t have to tell anyone. Former presidents do not have this power, but if a President removes these classified documents from their secure location before they leave office, they have every authority to do so. Once someone removed these classified documents from their secure locations under instructions from a sitting President then they are no longer considered classified and, therefore, not subject to criminal nor civil prosecution.
The manner in which they conducted this raid appears contrary to the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
The actions of the FBI in the raid of not allowing Trump’s lawyers to see the search warrant except at a distance of ten feet, not providing his lawyers with a copy of the search warrant, not allowing his lawyers to observe the actual search, ordering the security cameras to be turned off so as to not record the FBI agent’s search actions, to the sealing of the Search Warrant from public scrutiny bespeak of secrecy and cover-up. There is also the question as to whether evidence is being doctored, manufactured, and planted in these seized documents, as there has been no proper inventory of the documents that were seized at the time of the seizure. As Trump’s lawyers were not present at the time of seizure to assure the accuracy and completeness of the list of the documents that were seized, and they are not present at the subsequent compilation of this list, any list of seized documents that the Department of Justice and the FBI compiles after the seizure is suspect. There is also the question, and suspicion, that the chain of evidence has been broken with these seized documents.
It is also noteworthy that many of the persons involved in this action have been known to perjure themselves in submissions to the court (i.e., the false affidavits submitted to the FISA court in the Russian Collusion investigations) and the altering of documents to support these affidavits. They have also been known to utilize evidence of dubious veracity, and sometimes known to be false, to justify investigations of President Trump and his associates. They have also spied upon President Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign and during his Presidential Administration, and now during his post Presidential life.
This search warrant and the affidavits supporting the warrant need to be unsealed for the American public and our elective representatives to examine and determine the validity of the Justice Department and the FBI actions. After the search warrant and the affidavits are unsealed, our elective representatives need to take the appropriate actions as necessary to determine their veracity and appropriateness, as well as the legality of these actions by the Justice Department and the FBI. These appropriate actions should include, but not be limited to, impeachment of Executive Officers, dismissal of employment by those staff members who should have known better than to engage in these actions (just following orders is no excuse when you are in a leadership or management position), the stripping of pensions and benefits of those impeached or dismissed, and prosecutions of criminal wrongdoing by the persons responsible for these actions, as warranted by the facts. This unsealing should not include the list of items seized, except with the approval of President Trump, as this list would be an invasion of Trump’s privacy rights as it appears that many of the items seized were outside the scope of the official and classified documents that were to be seized under the search warrant.
Finally, this raid was far out of proportion to its stated goals and may not have been necessary as a subpoena may have been more appropriate under these circumstances. The proper function of a Search Warrant is to seize and preserve evidence from destruction or concealment for future prosecution by a legal authority. A Subpoena is a writ for the summoning of witnesses or the submission of evidence (such as records, documents, or property) before a court or legal authority and other deliberative bodies. As many of the items seized at the Mar-a-Lago home of former President Donald Trump were outside the scope of the search warrant, it is reasonable to question if the recovery of documents was the true intent of this search warrant. It is more reasonable to assume that the Justice Department and the FBI were on a fishing expedition to serendipitously gather evidence of other dubious allegations of criminal actions by President Trump. If this is the case, then the Justice Department and the FBI are engaging in an assault on the Constitutional and Civil Rights of President Trump. An assault, if allowed to stand, that signals Das ist das Ende, das Ende for "Justice and The Rule of Law in America".
The American people need to put an end to the weaponization of government for the purposes of the politicization of justice. To not do so is to allow for the disintegration of our "American Ideals and Ideas", which will lead to the end of our Constitutional Republic and our "Freedoms, Liberties, Equalities, and Equal Justice for All". The only peaceful way of ending this assault on our rights is to vote out of office for anyone who supports these actions by the Justice Department and the FBI; otherwise, it may be necessary to engage in non-peaceful means to restore our rights. If this non-peaceful means should occur, then we should keep in mind that:
"We the people are the rightful
masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the
Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
- Abraham Lincoln
08/14/22 Us versus Them
I have combined my Chirps on the alarming trend of the weaponization of government that has occurred during 21st century America, which can be read here. This trend is most notable in the administrations of President Obama and President Biden, as they have pursued investigations and prosecutions against their political opponents. Many claim that President Trump also weaponized government, but the evidence for this is scant and often involves "Torturous and Convoluted Reasoning" to be believed. Indeed, President Trump had the opportunity to weaponize government when his supporters chanted “Lock Her Up’ in regards to his 2016 presidential opponent Hillary Clinton for her possible criminal actions as Secretary of State. Despite the veracity of the evidence of the criminality of Hillary Clinton’s actions, he declined to pursue criminal investigations and prosecutions against her. The same could be said against other members of President Obama’s administration who engaged in dubious and possibly illegal activities. President Trump declined to do so as he realized that such investigations and prosecutions would be the weaponization of government for political purposes and would be harmful to the body politic.
There appears that there are no such compunctions in the Biden Administration, and it also appears that the weaponization of government to achieve political goals and policies is a tactic of the Biden Administration. Anyone associated with the Trump Administration appears to be fair game for the Biden Administration. Any supporters of President Trump are also targets for the Biden Administration. Any perceived actions by anyone that can be demonized as MAGA activities are targets for the weaponization of government by the Biden Administration. The Biden Administration has thus divided Americans into ‘Us’ and ‘Them’. In the Biden Administration, the Them are targeted with the weaponization of government while the Us is protected and not prosecuted for criminal activities. This attitude is also prevalent among Democrat Governors, Mayors, District Attorneys, Federal, State, and Local bureaucrats, and other Democrat-controlled government agencies.
Us believes that the Constitution is only an impediment to be circumvented or overcome to achieve their political goals and social policies, while Them believes that the Constitution is a rulebook for a civil society that preserves the Liberties and Freedoms of all. Us also believes that as they are more intelligent, better educated, and morally superior, they are, of course, always correct. Therefore, the Us believes that its policies are what is best for all Americans. Consequently, the Us are motivated to do whatever they believe is best for America using constitutionally torturous and convoluted reasoning, while the Them believes in doing what is best for all Americans using constitutionally straightforward reasoning. The Us believes in democratic rule rather than republic rule and a democratic interpretation of the Constitution, as I have examined in my Articles, “A Republic versus a Democracy” and "A Republican Constitution or a Democratic Constitution", while Them believes the opposite. The Us also believes in rulership rather than leadership, while Them will only accept leadership, as I have examined in my Article, "To Be Rulers or to Be Leaders".
Thus, a cold civil war is in progress in America. Us believes that disagreements with Democrat Party Leaders and Progressives/Leftists are not to be tolerated and are to be criminalized for Them, nor is Free Speech and other Constitutional and Civil Rights to be allowed for Them. The Us believe that there is only room in America for Us, and the Them are to be expunged from American society. The continuation of this cold civil war can only lead to the dissolution of "A Civil Society" and end to our "American Ideals and Ideas" and our "Freedoms, Liberties, Equalities, and Equal Justice for All" or to a hot civil war between Us and Them to resolve this problem. The American people need to put an end to this cold civil war and preserve our Liberties and Freedoms. The only peaceful way of ending this cold civil war is to vote out of office anyone who supports the actions of Us; otherwise, it may be necessary for Them to engage in a hot civil war to end this cold civil war. If this hot civil war should occur, then Them should keep in mind that:
"We the people are the rightful
masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the
Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
- Abraham Lincoln
02/13/23 House Committee Hearings on The Weaponization of Government - I
Distinguished Professor Jonathan Turley of the J.B. & Maurice C. Shapiro Chair of Public Interest Law at George Washington University has testified at the first hearing of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, as he announced in his blog on “Turley Testifies on Censorship Before House Select Subcommittee”. He also posted his testimony for all to read, which can be downloaded here as a pdf document. I, myself, am very interested in this topic, as my collected Chirps on "The Weaponization of Government" demonstrates. I found Professor Tutley’s testimony to be the most cogent comment on this topic.
As he has said in his blog post:
“The Twitter Files raise serious questions of whether the United States government is now a partner in what may be the largest censorship system in our history. The involvement cuts across the Executive Branch, with confirmed coordination with agencies ranging from the CDC to the CIA. Even based on our limited knowledge, the size of this censorship system is breathtaking, and we only know of a fraction of its operations through the Twitter Files. Twitter has 450 million active users but it is still only ranked 15th in the number of users, after companies such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Pinterest. The assumption is that the government censorship program dovetailed with these other companies, which continue to refuse to share past communications or work with the government. Assuming that these efforts extended to these larger platforms, it is a government-supported censorship system that is unparalleled in history.
Regardless of how one comes out on the constitutional ramifications of the government’s role in the censorship system, there should not be debate over the dangers that it presents to our democracy. The United States government may be outsourcing censorship, but the impact is still inimical to free speech values that define our country.”
In his testimony, he also points out that many supporters of censorship in social media of quote Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes:
“. . . the character of every act
depends on the circumstances in which it is done . . . The most
stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in
falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic.”
- Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
While not pointing out a further statement by Justice Holmes:
“. . . we should be eternally vigilant
against attempts to check the expression of opinions that we loath
and believe to be frought (sic) with death, unless they so
imminently threaten immediate interference with the lawful and
pressing purposes of the law that at an immediate check is required
to save the country.”
- Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
They also do not point out Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis's quote:
“If there be time to discover through
discussion the falsehood and the fallacies, to avert the evil by the
processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech not
enforced silence.”
- Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
There is also a Supreme Court ruling that is directly applicable to this topic:
“The right to speak freely and to
promote diversity of ideas . . . is . . . one of the chief
distinctions that sets us apart from totalitarian regimes . . . [A]
function of free speech under our system of government is to invite
dispute. . . . Speech is often provocative and challenging. . .
[F]reedom of speech, though not absolute, is nevertheless protected
against censorship.”
- Supreme Court ruling on Terminiello v. City of Chicago, 337
U.S. 1, 4 (1949)
Let us all remember these quotes when thinking about freedom of speech, and we should all read Professor Turley’s testimony to understand the scope of the problem. We Americans should also forthwith demand an end to The Weaponization of Government to preserve our Liberties and Freedoms.
02/14/23 House Committee Hearings on The Weaponization of Government - II
In distinguished Professor Jonathan Turley’s testimony to the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, he points out that the only known facts about government intervention in social media are a result of the release of the ‘Twitter Files’ by new owner Elon Musk. He also notes that Twitter has 450 million active users but it is still only ranked 15th in the number of users, after companies such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Pinterest. I would also point out that, in addition, we have the possibility and suspicion of government involvement with Google Search, Apple Siri, and other search engines that rank or exclude search results based on unknown criteria.
Professor Turley also points out that the “marketplace of ideas” is now largely digital, and these companies, not the government, now control access to the “marketplace of ideas.” The ability to find these ideas is as important as the ability to read these ideas, and it is, therefore, as important that this committee discover if any censorship in the search for ideas, as well as the ability to read these ideas, is taking place in these companies. Consequently, it is important for the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government to examine any government intervention in both search engines and social media to determine if any censorship is occurring.
Therefore, it is necessary for this committee to subpoena any records from both the government and these companies to determine if there is any government involvement in the operations of these companies. If evidence of government involvement is uncovered, then it is necessary for this committee to elicit testimony from both the government and company persons taking part in this involvement.
We can expect that the government and the companies will resist these subpoenas, as it may be embarrassing and potentially open the company to the possibility of lawsuits. Search engine companies also claim that their search algorithms are proprietary and should not be disclosed outside of their company. Such resistance and excuses, however, should not deter the committee, as the suppression of the marketplace of ideas is too important to our Liberties and Freedoms to be undisclosed.
The committee needs to fully uncover the extent of government involvement in these companies, for as a beacon of liberty has stated:
“Bad men need nothing more to compass
their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
― John Stuart Mill, Inaugural Address Delivered to the
University of St Andrews, 2/1/186
05/20/23 The Un-American Activities of Our Government
The FBI, the Justice Department, and the Intelligence Agencies have been so thoroughly corrupted for political purposes since the Obama Administration that they are now actively engaged in Un-American activities. Three articles by Andrew C. McCarthy examine this corruption regarding the Russian Collusion Delusion:
Another article by Andrew C. McCarthy, Blinken’s Motive to Dismiss Hunter Laptop as Russian Disinformation: His Own Emails, examines the Intelligence Communities involvement in covering up The Biden Family Business, while another article by Ari Blaff, Biden Campaign Played Active Role in Suppressing Hunter Biden Laptop Story, Congressional Testimony Reveals, reveals the extent of the Biden Presidential campaign in orchestrating the Intelligence Agencies covering up the truth of the Hunter Biden Laptop.
The FBI, the Justice Department, and the Intelligence Agencies have also extended their Un-American activities beyond targeting political leadership into targeting ordinary Americans, as examined in another article by Jeff Zymeri, FBI Improperly Surveilled BLM Protesters, J6 Suspects, Thousands of Political Donors.
Such Un-American activities are an assault on our Freedoms and Liberties, and they bespeak of the despotic measures to control the American people and corrupt the political process to obtain and retain power for those who engage in these in Un-American activities. As those who have engaged in these in Un-American activities are now in control of the levers of the Executive Branch of government or are favored persons by those now in control of the levers of the Executive Branch of government, we can expect no justice for their Un-American activities. Consequently, we can expect a continuation of these Un-American activities in the future, as they have no fear of being called to justice for these Un-American activities.
The "Mainstream Media" are also complicit in these Un-American activities, as they have failed by their own political proclivities to investigate or report on these Un-American activities to the American people. Without the American people being informed of these Un-American activities, it is not possible to rectify these abuses, as public opinion is all that can be leveraged to end these Un-American activities. For it is as true today as when President Lincoln stated:
“In this age, in this country, public
sentiment is everything. With it, nothing can fail; against it,
nothing can succeed. Whoever molds public sentiment goes deeper than
he who enacts statutes, or pronounces judicial decisions.”
- Abraham Lincoln
Public sentiment must be aroused to end these Un-American activities, or as President Lincoln has also stated:
"We shall nobly save, or meanly lose,
the last best hope of earth."
- Abraham Lincoln
09/19/23 Lawfare
In an article by Jeff Davidson, “The DOJ's Insidious Practice of Lawfare, Intimidation, and Coercion”, he defines “Lawfare” as:
“Lawfare is impacting society in horrendous ways, many of which ultimately impact your life and your experiences. What is lawfare? Derived from combining the words "law" and "warfare," it is the employment of legal approaches to delegitimize, damage, or destroy an opposing party or to hinder their ability to employ their own legal rights.”
He also goes on to state that:
“Lawfare was employed against individuals whom the DOJ had targeted, to damage or disparage their character, waste their money and time, or triumph over them for public relations purposes. Today the DOJ persecutes, coerces, badgers, and prosecutes Americans, mainly conservatives, time after time.”
Lawfare is the primary means of the weaponization of government, as I have written in my collected Chirps on "The Weaponization of Government". The employment of lawfare is an assault on the Liberties and Freedoms of Americans, as it deters Americans from exercising their liberties and freedom for fear of becoming involved in lawfare actions by the government.
The purpose of lawfare is not so much in the conviction of a criminal act in a court of law, and, indeed, many of the convictions are for Process Crimes rather than actual criminal acts. In many cases, lawfare is utilized to coerce a defendant to plead guilty to a lesser crime rather than face the time, legal expense, and possible greater sentence in the event of a conviction of the alleged larger crime. Lawfare is also utilized to threaten the spouse, children, and other family members of a defendant with possible lawfare actions if the accused does not plead guilty to some crimes.
As such, lawfare is an aspect of despotism by the government. A despotism that is an assault on our "American Ideals and Ideas" and antithetical to "Freedoms, Liberties, Equalities, and Equal Justice for All".