The Personal Website of Mark W. Dawson

Containing His Articles, Observations, Thoughts, Meanderings,
and some would say Wisdom (and some would say not).
Depression and Anxiety
Having been Depressed my entire life (progressing from extreme to milder as I became older and wiser), with a touch of Anxiety, I thought it might be helpful to include these insightful cartoons to help other people understand depression and anxiety.

Depression and Anxiety is a medical condition that should be treated
by knowledgeable and experienced professionals. It should also be
noted that Depression and Anxiety are often interrelated, and
confused with each other. The main difference is that Depression is
generally a mental physiological problem, while Anxiety is generally
a mental psychological problem. Regardless, they can both be
debilitating, and both are treatable by knowledgeable and
experienced professionals. It is not possible for you to work it out
If you are depressed or anxious you should consult your doctor, who
should refer you to a psychiatrist, who can prescribe the proper
medications and therapy to help you with your depression or anxiety.
There is no need for you to live with depression or anxiety, as it
can be successfully treated.
You should never be embarrassed to discuss your anxiety or depression with knowledgeable and experienced professionals. It is not your fault and you did not bring this upon yourself. You can overcome Anxiety and Depression, but you will require the assistance of knowledgeable and experienced professionals to overcome your Anxiety or Depression. I myself have experience periods of depression and anxiety in my life, which has required therapy and medications, and is treatable and controlled.
If you do not seek assistance for Anxiety or Depression you will find your life spiraling out of your control. You may eventually lose your employment, your friends, and your family, not to mention your self-respect. In many cases, untreated Anxiety or Depression leads to serious health problems, the shortening of your life, addiction, and possibly suicide.
If you suffer from Depression or
get the professional help you need and deserve,
- Now -
before it is too late!