The Personal Website of Mark W. Dawson

Containing His Articles, Observations, Thoughts, Meanderings,
and some would say Wisdom (and some would say not).
American Fascism
Six key characteristics of Modern American Fascism
Academics have fought passionately over how to define fascism, but scholars generally focus on four crucial characteristics. First fascists were nationalists: They believed the nation, rather than individuals (like liberals) or classes (like Marxists), was the key actor in political life; that it existed above or separate from the citizens composing it; and that it had a special mission or “soul” that needed to be nurtured and protected from internal and external enemies. They were also Anti-Capitalists, Anti-Liberal and Anti-Democratic, and acceptable of using disruption and violence to achieve their goals. Often this required a strong leader with dictatorial powers to implement Fascism. Therefore, Fascism is political system in which authoritarian government does not own businesses and industries, but strictly regulates and controls their actions, output and rights – while constraining and suppressing citizens and their thought, speech and access to information.
However, today's fascists have evolved into slightly different characteristics as follows; Political Tribalism, Controlled Economy, Anti-Individualism, Anti-Constitutionalism, Disruption and Violence, and Free Speech and Free Assembly.
1. Political Tribalism
First, Modern Fascism is no longer Nationalistic. Membership in modern fascism is determine on your political ideology and beliefs such as; Abortion, Anti-Capitalism, Anti-Israel and Pro Arab, Anti-Military, Anti-Police, Anti-Religiosity, Climate Change, Free Education, Free Healthcare, LGBT Equality, Marijuana Usage, Modern Feminism, Open Borders, Racist America, and the evilness of those who disagree with modern fascism. If you are a modern fascist and do not hold to all the beliefs of modern fascism you are intimidated or harassed into changing your beliefs, or you are ostracized from modern fascism. No dissent on beliefs is permitted, the only dissent permitted is on the means to achieve modern fascism goals.
2. Controlled Economy
Second, modern fascists shared a deep suspicion of capitalism because it is antithetical to modern fascism. They, therefore, advocate a level of state intervention in the economy unsurpassed in American history. Individual Liberty and Freedom to pursue your dreams through capitalistic success must be subsumed to the goals of modern fascism.
3. Anti-Individualism
Third, modern fascists were deeply anti-individual and anti-democratic. Traditional Liberalism is rejected for its promotion of individualism and individual rights, Freedom and Liberty for all, its emphasis on reason and rationality, and its acceptance of pluralism. Freedom and Liberty are only to be permitted for modern fascists. All others are to be restricted to only the Freedoms and Liberties that do on contravene modern fascism.
4. Anti-Constitutionalism
Fourth, fascists do not believe in limited and enumerated constitutional government. They view a constitution as an obstacle to their governing as they see fit. They wish to institute an oligarchy with a supine legislature and courts that will institute and support the laws, orders, and regulations that they believe are best.Their desire to pack the Supreme Court, end the Senate filibuster, eliminate the electoral college, add additional States, and change voting laws that would make it easier to cheat are all manifestations of the fascist control of government. The rise of the bureaucracy that governs by regulation as directed by their oligarchy is a means to achieve their fascism.
5. Disruption and Violence
Fifth, fascists embraced violence as a means and an end. Modern Fascism is revolutionary: It aims not to reform but to fundamentally transform the modern world — and for this, a constant and probably violent struggle may be necessary. Disruption and Violence was not merely the method through which revolution would be accomplished; it was valuable in and of itself, providing modern fascist supporters with a powerful “bonding” experiences and “cleansing” society of its weaknesses and decadence.
Democratic elections that not produce results that they favor are to be resisted. Only modern fascists should be permitted to run and be elected. Modern fascists in positions of political power are the only acceptable results of a democratic election. Disruption of the political process is acceptable and encouraged if modern fascists are not in political power.
6. Free Speech and Free Assembly
Sixth, Free Speech and Free Assembly is only permitted for modern fascists. Any attempt by Non- modern fascist to speak or assemble is to be violently resisted. Gangs of Jackboots are to be assembled to convince the sponsor of free speech and free assembly to cancel an event. If the event is to go forward the Jackboots attempt to prohibit access to the event. If the event proceeds than the Jackboots will attempt to shout down the speaker(s) and prevent the audience from hearing what is said.
Those non-modern fascists in political power are not to be permitted to enjoy a peaceful personal life. Any attendance in a public arena by a non-modern fascist is to be disrupted with aggressive verbal assaults and threats of intimidation on the non-modern fascists. The non-modern fascists may not even enjoy a peaceable personal lime in their own homes, as the Jackboots may assemble outside their homes and issue verbal assaults and threats of intimidation. Not only are the modern fascists disrupting the non-modern fascists home life, but they are disrupting the neighbor’s home life as well. And most wickedly all is this disruption and violence is permissible to happen to the family members of the non-modern fascists.
Modern fascism does not want to be confused or confronted by the facts, they only want what they want, and "Rationality" and "Reasoning" are not to be employed. Unpleasant facts and truths that contravene their beliefs are to be ignored or obfuscated away, and double talk, along with smoke and mirrors are to be utilized by modern fascism in achieving their goals. They often accuse those that oppose them as being Nazis or Fascists due to the evil connotations of these labels, without the modern fascists understanding the true meaning of these labels. I am also reminded of the "Forrest Gump' movie line "Stupid is as stupid does". Therefore "Fascism is as fascism does".
Because Fascism has such a bad reputation and connotation in today’s society modern fascism does not recognize that they are fascist. Instead, they have given themselves a new name – “Modern Progressives”. But make no mistake, Modern Progressives are Modern Fascists, because Modern Progressives do as Fascism does.