The Personal Website of Mark W. Dawson

Containing His Articles, Observations, Thoughts, Meanderings,
and some would say Wisdom (and some would say not).
The Fundamental Properties of Humanity
Just as there are “The Fundamental Properties of the Universe” as explained in my science article, there are Fundamental Properties of Humanity as I shall present in this article. These fundamental properties are human nature, economics, and energy.
Human Nature
The first, and foremost, Fundamental Properties of Humanity is Human Nature. Human nature is that part of our psyche that is a result of millions of years of evolution. It is a basic part of all humans. The primal need to provide safety, shelter, and food for ourselves, our families, and our companions goes back to the start of human evolution. There was also the need to reproduce that was inherent in all life forms. Evolution shaped our human nature on these needs. From the very beginning of human evolution when hunting-and-gathering cultures and forager-farmers generally organized themselves into bands and tribes, or when farmers formed villages, towns, cities, and nations the purpose was to meet these needs.
And human nature is part of our psyche. Our brains have been structured by evolution to best meet these needs. The everyday information we gather, and the decisions we make, are driven by these base needs. And yet, the decisions we make are often not conducive to meeting these needs. This is because we will often make a wrong or bad decision, or not make a decision. We may have incomplete or incorrect information in making our decisions. We may also not reason properly in making a decision. There is also the “Law of Unintended Consequences” that occurs as a result of our decisions or non-decisions. But all of these decisions or non-decisions have as their basis human nature.
We must all acknowledge our human nature and account for it in our dealings with others. To not do so will result in much effort, time, and monies being spent on a task that is doomed to failure. And failure is what is inevitable if you do not account for human nature. For someone who denies human nature, or will not acknowledge human nature, is foolish, and you should not pay attention to fools.
All human financial transactions are based on Economics, and money is the basis for these transactions. But money is not real. If I show you a ten-dollar bill I am showing you a piece of paper with fancy printing. It has no value in of itself. Its value is in what it represents – it represents the labor needed to obtain the money (earnings) and the ability to purchase another’s labor (products and services) with the money. Prior to the invention of money, barter was the main means of transferring labor between the producer and the consumer. But barter was inefficient and difficult to transport and could not properly account for liquid financial assets. It was also inexact in determining the effort and value of the products and services in the transaction for both parties. Money was invented to help alleviate these problems. And money makes the world go round. In all economic activity money is the basis for the activity. But this is not to obtain pieces of paper but for it represents - the labor in both earning and producing, and for the value of liquid financial assets.
One of the basics of money is the “Law of Supply and Demand”. In microeconomics, supply and demand is an economic model of price determination in a market. It postulates that, holding all else equal, in a competitive market, the unit price for a particular good, or other traded item such as labor or liquid financial assets, will vary until it settles at a point where the quantity demanded (at the current price) will equal the quantity supplied (at the current price), resulting in an economic equilibrium for the price and quantity transacted. Supply and demand are always fluctuating based on need or want, available supply, and the resultant costs versus availability. If you try to control one or the other, or both, the financial transaction will go underground into a black-market with all its negative consequences. This is why price and wage controls always end up harming the economy. You must always keep in mind the Law of Supply and Demand when examining financial transactions.
Energy is all. Without producing sufficient energy for your society needs then your society cannot survive. Without producing increased energy your society cannot grow. Energy for heating and air conditioning, lighting, electrical and electronic devices utilization, transportation, mining and manufacturing, and other energy usages powers the economy. Manual labor is also a form of energy. To ignore energy in your laws, rules, regulations, and social policies will cripple your economy. Whether that energy is fossil fuels, coal, nuclear, hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal, chemical, or any other sources you need to account for energy. Energy, along with money, also makes the world go round.
Anything that impacts energy production and distribution will impact your economy. You must, therefore, be cognizant of energy impacts to assure that there are no or minimal impacts on energy production or distribution. To not do so invites disaster.
Human nature, economics, and energy are the foundations of the Fundamental Properties of Humanity. Ignore them at your peril.