The Personal Website of Mark W. Dawson

Containing His Articles, Observations, Thoughts, Meanderings,
and some would say Wisdom (and some would say not).
Sera, Sera
Que Sera, Sera is a song written by the team of Jay Livingston and Ray Evans that was first published in 1956, and most famously sung by Doris Day in the movie “The Man Who Knew Too Much”. A beautifully simple lyrics and music that has inspired many people.
Que Sera, Sera
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, "What will I be?"
"Will I be pretty, will I be rich?"
Here's what she said to me
"Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, will be"
When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows, day after day?
Here's what my sweetheart said:
"Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, will be"
Now I have children of my own
They ask their mother, "What will I be?"
"Will I be handsome, will I be rich?"
I tell them tenderly
"Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, will be"
Que será, será
However, many people use the expression “Que Sera, Sera” or the idea “Whatever will be, will be” in the wrong manner. They utilize it as an excuse for accepting whatever life may deal them. Rather than take control of their life, and make decisions that will impact their life, they simply accept whatever happens in their life. As a result, they do not know where they are going, how they are getting there, or where they will end up.
Tis far better to take control of your life by making decisions about where you want to go, and then implementing a plan to reach your goals. Your plan may not achieve your goals, or your goals may change and therefore your plan must change, but you will have some control of what happens to you. It is only after you do this that “Que Sera, Sera” or “Whatever will be, will be” happens should you adopt this attitude. To do otherwise makes you like a leaf floating in the air, subject to whatever air currents or the winds take you. When things go wrong, and they will go wrong, it's far better to remember my Truism:
Shit Happens
Sometimes you shit on yourself,
Sometimes others shit on you,
And other times shit just happens.
It doesn’t matter how shit happens.
It only matters how you deal with the shit.
You can either clean yourself up and smell the roses,
Or you can wallow in the shit and everything stinks.
And remember; It’s just as important to learn from the shit,
as it is to clean yourself up from the shit!
– Mark Dawson
Therefore, you need to take control of your life, and when life throws you a curveball remember “Que Sera, Sera” and “Shit Happens”. Then retake control of your life by rethinking your goals and re-planning your life.