The Personal Website of Mark W. Dawson

Containing His Articles, Observations, Thoughts, Meanderings,
and some would say Wisdom (and some would say not).
The Biggest Falsehoods in America
This article examines the issues that I believe are misrepresented, misreported, and misunderstood in America. To solve these problems requires that we understand the true nature of these problems. Unfortunately, because of the misinformation on these problems, this is not possible. Politicians and activist are more interested in scoring political points, along with other motivations, that interfere with our understanding. Let us all begin to understand the true nature of these problems so that we can work together on solving these problems.Many of these falsehoods are exhortative by “Modern Journalism”. Modern Journalism is more interested in viewership, web page clicks, and circulation than in reporting facts. After all, sensationalism sells while rationality requires effort by both the journalist and the consumer. In addition, most journalists have a bias to the liberal/progressive/leftists and Democrat viewpoints and given short shrift to Conservative and Republican viewpoints, if they pay any attention to these viewpoints. If the American people cannot obtain all the facts, without extensive effort to obtain the facts on their part, then it is difficult to make a rational judgment on an issue. Without a rational judgement there usually follows a faulty policy that will not obtain its goals, if it works at all.
In alphabetical order these Falsehoods are:
Abortion is a Woman’s
In my article, “The Abortion Question” I examine the issue of the Human Rights of an unborn child, and the issues and concerns regarding abortion. Much has been said and argued on the topic of abortion. Pro-choice and pro-life proponents often argue past each other, based on different assumptions and propositions. Whenever I look at an issue I try to get to the core of the issue and examine the core based on facts and intellectual reasoning. When I look upon the subject of abortion, I believe the core of the issue is very simple. The question is: is a unborn child a human being or not a human being? If it is a human being it has human rights, among them, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
There are three possible answers to the question of whether a unborn child is human or not. These three answers are as follows:
- The unborn child is not human, and not entitled to human rights until it is born, and the umbilical cord is severed, and the baby is surviving on its own.
- The unborn child is not human until sometime during gestation, at which time it becomes human. Prior to this time the unborn child is not entitled to human rights. After this time the unborn child is human and is entitled to human rights.
- At the time of conception, the unborn child has the DNA structure of a human being, and unique to within itself, and therefore is a human being deserving of human rights.
I would direct you to my article on “The Abortion Question” for my comments on these answers.
Alcohol & Drug
Addiction is a Disease
My Observation “Addiction” examines the issue of Alcohol and Drug Addiction in more detail. In this Observation I have stated that is fashionable in today’s society to say that addiction is a disease, and not so much a mental problem, and the addict has little control over their addiction. It has also been said that addiction is a disease that must be cured. But addiction is not a disease. If it were a communicable disease you could associate with someone who had an addiction disease, and you could contract addiction disease from them. A party with friends or family, a swim in a community pool, a walk in the park could expose you to the addiction disease, and you could come down with addiction. If it were a non-communicable disease but a physiological problem, you could wake up one morning and discover that you had contracted addiction. There would be medical symptoms and medical tests to determine if you contracted the addiction disease, and there would be medical treatments to eradicate your addiction disease. As can be seen from the previous absurd scenarios that addiction is not a disease!
By saying that addiction is a disease you are providing a crutch to addicts, a crutch that allows them to continue their addiction. After all, if you have a disease then medicine needs to supply a cure for your disease. Until this cure is provided, they cannot overcome the addiction disease. This is nonsense. Addiction can be overcome, but only when you treat the psychological causes of addiction.
I would say to the addict that you are
responsible for your addiction, and only you can
overcome your addiction. You choose
to consume alcohol or drugs, you choose
to increase your alcohol or drug
consumption to abusive levels, and you choose
to remain addicted to alcohol or drugs. And only
you can choose to end your addiction.
When you are ready to end your addiction, you can
do so. But you cannot do so
until you truly wish to end your
addiction. Those that say you are
helpless in overcoming your addiction are
only providing you a crutch to
allow you to continue your addiction.
Throw away the crutch, take responsibility for your actions,
and take back control of your life. You
can do it!
Remember -
Addiction Is Not a Disease, It Is A Choice!
Choose Wisely!
Climate Change Will
Destroy the Earth
I believe in climate change. I believe the climate has changed in the past, the climate is currently changing, and the climate will change in the future. This is a climatological and geological scientific fact. The question is whether human activity is causing the current climate change. This may be true, or may not be true, depending upon your interpretation of scientific facts and your opinions. For this reason, I have written an article “Climate Change” that examine these issues and concerns.
Equal Pay for Equal
Equal pay for equal work is a noble ideal, but as always, the devil is in the details. In this case, the devil is what constitutes equal work. Equal pay for work of equal value is more often utilized by employers when setting the wages for their employees. And value is more subjective than objective and therefore more difficult to quantify for statistical analysis. There have been many statistics and studies that attempt to quantify value. While these statistics and studies accuracies have points of dispute, they have shown that the wage gap between various groups (male-female, white-black, married-unmarried, educations levels, etc.) are not what they appear to be and in some cases are opposite what the general public perceptions. Therefore, you should be wary of the devil and always be careful with the details when dealing with income disparities claims.
When you take a deep dive into the statistics on this subject you will find a much murkier situation than what is commonly believed. You must also keep in mind my Observation “Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave” when reviewing statistics and studies. For this reason, I have written an Article on “Equal Pay for Equal Work” that examines this issue and concerns.
Government Can Solve
Social Problems
Social problems are exceedingly complex and interdependent on social, economic, and governmental factors. As such, it is exceedingly difficult to implement social policy by governmental actions as these actions will change the dynamics which change the outcomes. And the social and economic factors change of their own volition outside of governmental actions. There is a constant feedback loop of all these factors which constantly changes the environment. A feedback loop in which the government cannot adapt in a timely manner. There are also tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of variables in this feedback loop that are not fully understood, nor even known, so that no person, group, organization, or government can accurately comprehend or plan for. Social problems are also very much a human nature problem as I have stated in another of my Observations:
“Human nature is that part of our psyche that is a result of millions of years of evolution. It is a basic part of all humans. We must all acknowledge our human nature and account for it in our dealings with others, as well as in the creation and administration of social policy. To not do so will result in much effort, time, and monies being spent on a task that is doomed to failure. And failure is what is inevitable if you do not account for human nature. In many of my observations, I deal with human nature and its impact on the observation, and I take human nature into account when I propose a solution. I will not deny, or not acknowledge, human nature in my observations. For someone who denies human nature, or will not acknowledge human nature, is foolish, and you should not pay attention to fools.”
And in dealing with Social problems you must also keep in mind my Observation "Law of Unintended Consequences" as there are always unintended consequences in regards to governmental actions.
Not only are there societal consequences in governmental social policy but there are also impacts on the individual as outlined in my Observation “Governmental Truism”. I have also written an Article “Social Policy” which examines this issue in more detail.
Therefore, you should keep in mind the aphorism “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”. The government should be careful where they tread regarding implementing social policy, as they are more likely to be foolish rather than wise.
Gun Control Will
Reduce Gun Violence
In my Observation on “Gun Control” and my Article on “Red Flag, Yellow Flag, and No Flag “ I examine the issue of Gun Control. In this Observation and Article, I have concluded that:
The issue of Gun Violence is not an issue of Gun Control, rather it is an issue of Mental Illness. Mass murders occur throughout the world, even in countries with strict gun control laws. Mass murderers have a history of severe mental illness and/or drug problems that lead to their psychosis, which leads to them committing mass murders. No gun control law can stop a mass murderer from obtaining weapons to commit their dastardly deed. A mass murderer will find a means to commit their murder, and if it is not a firearm they use they will utilize knives, machetes, blunt objects, bombs, or any other weapon they can obtain. We need better mental illness laws, and for the general public to recognize a person who is suffering from mental illness and report them so they may receive treatment before they become violent.
As Dr. Ben Carson said after the tragedy of the mass murder of the black church members of Charleston SC in June of 2015:
"I think we have to start is going to the heart of the matter. The heart of the matter is not guns. The heart of the matter is the heart. The heart and soul of people. You know, this young man didn't wake up yesterday and suddenly turn into a maniac. Clearly there have been things in his background, in his upbringing that led to the type of mentality that would allow him to do something like this. And one of the things that I think that we really need to start concentrating on in this country is once again instilling the right kinds of values particularly in our young people. You know, we're so busy giving away all of our values and principles for the sake of political correctness that we have people floating around out there with no solid foundation or beliefs. "
To which I say - Amen!
Homophobic, Transphobic, or Other Sexual Phobic
There is no doubt that in America’s past, heterosexuality was the only acceptable form of sexuality, and other forms of sexuality were derided, persecuted, and prosecuted. Today in America, thanks to the courageous efforts of the homosexual community, other forms of sexuality are accepted and not reviled. The "Natural, Constitutional, and Civil Rights" of all persons are respected regardless of their sexuality, and they are protected under the law from harassment, discrimination, and other injustices they endured in the past. Today the LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and more) community is free to practice their sexuality in private.
Americans will tolerate moderate forms of public sexual affection (i.e., hugging and kissing) for both heterosexual and non-heterosexual affections, but they object to excessive forms of all sexual affection in public. Public displays of excessive sexuality are not acceptable for all forms of sexuality, and what most Americans strenuously object to is the intrusion of sexuality into the development and education of our children. Americans believe that the sexual development and education of their children is the responsibility of the parents and object to the public intrusion of any excessive sexual affection or the sexual development and education into the lives of their children. This intrusion of sexuality into a child’s life is a Parental Rights issue and not a homophobic, transphobic, or another sexually phobic issue.
Therefore, America is not Homophobic, Transphobic, or other Sexual Phobic; they only wish for the parents to be responsible for the sexual development and education of their children.
Marijuana Usage is
Mostly Harmless
Marijuana Usage has become more prevalent and decriminalized in America. Most people are under the perception that marijuana is mostly harmless. But as can be seen from the following marijuana usage can be harmful.
Short-term effects of marijuana include disrupted learning and memory, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), loss of motor coordination, increased heart rate, and anxiety. These effects are even greater when other drugs (including alcohol) are mixed with weed. A user may also experience dry mouth.
Long-term effects of marijuana increase the risk of chronic cough, bronchitis, and increases the risk of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals. There is also some evidence that modern strains of marijuana may cause damage to the internal organs. It may increase risk of anxiety, depression and a series of attitude and personality changes, known as “Amotivational Syndrome”. This syndrome is characterized by a diminished ability to carry out long-term plans, a sense of apathy, decreased attention to appearance and behavior and decreased ability to concentrate for long periods of time. These changes can also include poor performance in school or work. Marijuana, just like any other drug, can lead to addiction. It affects the brain’s reward system in the same way as all other drugs of addiction – and the likelihood of addiction increases considerably for those who start young.
There is also societal risks with increased marijuana usage as I have outlined in my Observation “Marijuana Usage”. Both the physiological and psychological harm, and the societal harm, must be addressed to determine if we should continue down this road of increased Marijuana Usage.
My Observation “Addiction” examines the issue of Alcohol and Drug Addiction in more detail. I would also refer you back to my previous comment on “Alcohol & Drug Addiction is a Disease” as to its solution.
Racism is Prevalent
My Observation “Racism, Discrimination, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Christianism, and Anti-Islamism” expound upon my thoughts on this subject. Since I was a young adult I have tried, and mostly succeeded, in living my life based on the following quote:
“I hope for a future in which all
people are judged by the content of their character and not the
color of their skin.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
Not only on the color of their skin but in all external aspects of their person, and as such, I have conducted myself with polite and respectful speech and behavior to all I met. I am no saint, as occasionally I have faltered in this attempt, but I have realized my errors and corrected myself and vowed to not do it again. All people deserve to be judged by their merits and by no other factors. No race, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, veteran status, disability, military service, political affiliation, or other protected status, etc. etc. etc. should be utilized in judging an individual. It should also be remembered that the “Sins of the Father” are not vested upon the son, and no one should be the judged by the character of their family members, but only upon their own character, deeds, and words. Let us strive for a future when all individuals are judged upon their own merits and character. To do so would result in a more peaceful and just society.
The United States is the most racist country in the world, except for all the others. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Irish, Italians, Jews, and other ethnic and religious groups have all experienced racism within the United States. The history of the United States regarding these groups has always been one of initial racism, bigotry, prejudice, and then inclusiveness. Racism still exists in the United States, but it existed in all other nations. Indeed, I believe that racism is inherent in human nature. The desire to associate with others that we know and understand is a self-protection mechanism that is basic to human nature. To deny so is to deny human nature. The means to overcome this inherent tribalism is through knowledge and experience, and understanding one another. It requires that we listen to the better angels of our nature, and not listen to our devils. The United States is a country founded on the principle that all men are created equal. We have not always been true to this principle, and the institution of slavery in the United States is the worst example of being untrue to this principle. However, we the people of the United States has shown a remarkable propensity for trying to correct the error of our ways and strive to meet this principle.
The personal history of discrimination in 20th century America is reflected in my own family's history which you can read in my Observation “Racism – A Way Out”. Basically, my paternal grandfather was bigoted, my father was prejudiced, I was impartial, and my daughter embraces all. This is the history of racism in 20th century America. Racism still exists in America, as it does in all parts of the world, but in America, it is illegal and prosecuted, not condoned by society, and when it rears its ugly head most Americans abhor it.
When racism is leveled it is often not racism that is the cause but other factors which Thomas Sowell has expounded in his book “Discrimination and Disparities” as stated in the Amazon recap:
“Economic and other outcomes differ vastly among individuals, groups, and nations. Many explanations have been offered for the differences. Some believe that those with less fortunate outcomes are victims of genetics. Others believe that those who are less fortunate are victims of the more fortunate.
Discrimination and Disparities gathers a wide array of empirical evidence to challenge the idea that different economic outcomes can be explained by any one factor, be it discrimination, exploitation, or genetics. This revised and enlarged edition also analyzes the human consequences of the prevailing social vision of these disparities and the policies based on that vision--from educational disasters to widespread crime and violence.”
Why, therefore, is there so many claims of racism, white privilege, or discrimination in America? Perhaps we should keep in mind the following words of wisdom:
“There is another class
of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles,
the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public.
Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their
troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising
their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly
because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to
lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
- Booker T. Washington
“Racism is not dead. But it is on
life-support, kept alive mainly by the people who use it for an
excuse or to keep minority communities fearful or resentful enough
to turn out as a voting bloc on election day.”
- Thomas Sowell
“The word 'racism' is like ketchup.
It can be put on practically anything - and demanding evidence
makes you a 'racist.'”
- Thomas Sowell
You should also remember the words of Sterling A. Brown "Kindness can kill as well as cruelity, and it can never take the place of genuine respect" when developing governmental policies to alleviate racism.
And racism and discrimination in America is a big business in that it generates hundreds of millions of dollars a year in such things as professorships, grants for studies, funding for advocacy groups, legal fees from lawsuits, as well as advertising revenue from journalistic activities as I have previously stated in my introduction to this Article. It is also utilized by politicians to divide America in the hopes (often realized) that it will garner votes for those that try to exploit this issue.
When you take a deep dive into the statistics on racism and discrimination in America you will find a much murkier situation than what is commonly believed. Also, keep in mind my Observation “Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave” and "A World of Words versus the World as It Is" when reviewing statistics and studies.
Therefore, Racism in America is not as portrayed or believed, making it one of the Biggest Falsehoods in America.
Sexual Harassment is
Sexual harassment has once again reared its ugly head in the public conscience. With the alleged incidents involving entertainers, media icons, sports figures, and politicians in the latter half of 2017 and 2018 and 2019, this falsehood needs to be addressed. Let me state that actual sexual harassment is morally, if not legally, wrong. It should not be tolerated when it occurs, and all efforts must be undertaken to punish the perpetrator. It is a violation of the victims’ human rights that they are sexually harassed.
Sympathies must be accorded to the victims, and there must be efforts undertaken to redress their grievances and make right the harm they have suffered. However, we must remember that not all allegations of sexual harassment are factual. Even credible allegations of sexual harassment can eventually turn out to be false. In the vast majority of cases of allegations of sexual harassment the allegations are probably true, but in many cases they are false. Therefore, you should not jump to the conclusion that a sexual harassment allegation, even a credible allegation, is necessarily true.
It should also be remembered that not all sexual harassment is actually sexual harassment. A person assertively, or aggressively, pursuing another person may make the pursued feel uncomfortable, ill at ease, or disquieted, but it may not rise to the level of sexual harassment. Circumstances, actions, and words must be considered to determine if it was actually sexual harassment or simply improvident, crude or doltish behavior of the pursuer. When the alleged sexual harassment occurred during the youth of the alleged harasser you also need to take into account my observation of “The Sins of the Fathers and of Youth” when judging a young person's behavior.
Again, when you take a deep dive into the statistics on Sexual Harassment in America you will find a much murkier situation than what is commonly believed. Also, again, keep in mind my Observation “Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave” when reviewing statistics and studies. For this reason, I have written an Article on “Sexual Harassment” that examines this issue and the concerns about this issue.
The Rich Do Not Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes
As I have written in my article, “Tax the Rich and Make Them Pay Their Fair Share”, Taxing the Rich and Making Them Pay Their Fair Share has complex meanings and implications. Those that utilize this phrase rarely understand the meanings, implications, and consequences of increasing the taxes on the rich. They often casually and thoughtlessly presume that the rich can afford the taxes and that there will be no or little risks to the economy, nor impacts to the middle or lower class by taxing the rich. In all these presumptions, they are wrong, and they pose an economic danger to all Americans if they should succeed in “Taxing the Rich” or making them “Pay Their Fair Share”. They have also not examined how much taxes the rich actually pay, and they are often disbelieving when they are confronted by the facts and truth of the rich taxation.
Those that utter the phrase, ‘Tax the Rich and Make Them Pay Their Fair Share’ are also engaging in class envy to punish the successful person. Successful people who provide them with goods and services in a timely manner and at a price that they can afford. Excessive taxation on these persons disincentivizes them from producing more goods and services, or they're increasing the prices for their goods and services, which directly impact the middle or lower classes.
I hope that this article will give you pause and allow you to reconsider these falsehoods. Perhaps then, we can reach a common consensus on the real problems and solutions that face America.